0 wms James: Chapter One James woke with a start. He did that a lot recently and it always took him several minutes to realise where he was. Staring around at... 0 Comments 0 wms James: Chapter Two James couldn’t be certain he wasn’t dreaming. Surely the tall, green-skinned man who strode through the door wasn’t real. Had he merely ... 0 Comments 0 wms James: Chapter Three James was just about to lay down and try to get some sleep after the most exciting day he’d had in who knew how long. He was just conte... 0 Comments 0 wms James: Chapter Four James really should have known better. Finding any form of vehicle on the roads in the early hours of the morning was impossible, no o... 0 Comments 0 wms James: Chapter Five It was amazing how much he’d missed the simple things. Hot showers, toothbrushes, privacy. As he washed off the weeks worth of dirt an... 0 Comments 0 wms James: Chapter Six Maze sat on the bed across for James and for almost two hours explained everything to him. How he had come to Earth to escape the inev... 0 Comments 0 wms James: Chapter Seven The first night Maze had ventured back up into the house he had returned with food, apparently more to his liking than anything James ... 0 Comments 0 wms James: Chapter Eight “What the hell is that?!” James shouted over the roaring sound that had suddenly filled the air after the violent shaking. Was it an ea... 0 Comments 0 wms James: Chapter Nine A week later when they were certain the other aliens were definitely gone, for now anyway, James called his mother to let her know ... 0 Comments Newer Posts Older Posts Home Blog Archive ▼ 2016 (30) ▼ September (30) James: Chapter One James: Chapter Two James: Chapter Three James: Chapter Four James: Chapter Five James: Chapter Six James: Chapter Seven James: Chapter Eight James: Chapter Nine James: Chapter Ten James: Chapter Eleven James: Chapter Twelve James: Chapter Thirteen James: Chapter Fourteen James: Chapter Fifteen James: Chapter Sixteen James: Chapter Seventeen James: Chapter Eighteen James: Chapter Nineteen James: Chapter Twenty James: Chapter Twenty One James: Chapter Twenty Two James: Chapter Twenty Three James: Chapter Twenty Four James: Chapter Twenty Five James: Chapter Twenty Six James: Chapter Twenty Seven James: Chapter Twenty Eight James: Chapter Twenty Nine James: Chapter Thirty LATEST POSTS James: Chapter Twenty Two James watched through the living room windows as the sun slowly rose over the horizon. He smiled to himself as he let his head fall ba... James: Chapter Eleven Every thing he had ever wanted to say to her in the past three years flew out the window as she leaned into him, closing the distance. E... James: Chapter Twenty Seven It happened late one afternoon as they were sitting on the couch watching television. One minute everything was quite except for the t... James: Chapter Thirteen One evening James ducked out to grab some ingredients Maze needed for dinner. It was too short notice to have them delivered and Maze ... James: Chapter Twenty One James: Chapter Sixteen James dreamt as he dozed. For some reason all of his dreams centred around Alicia, or more specifically their relationship. The evenin... James: Chapter Thirty As the years passed and Ember grew up, Maze taught her how to control her temper. She still had the occasional outburst that she was una... James: Chapter Twelve They didn’t speak about the incident with Alicia again. Maze had stayed in his room until James finally went to bed, smashing things ev... James: Chapter Twenty Nine Ember was the perfect embodiment of Maze in a smaller package. The majority of the time she was very calm and quiet, and often James... James: Chapter Twenty Three People stared whenever they left the house. James wasn’t sure if it was because they were two men who were very obviously a couple, b... Powered by Blogger.